diff --git a/audio.py b/audio.py
index 9f7954b..60c2417 100644
--- a/audio.py
+++ b/audio.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import os
 import json
 import random
 import requests
+import time
 from dotenv import load_dotenv
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@ music_queues = {}  # Per-guild song queue
 current_tracks = {}  # Currently playing tracks
 volumes = {}  # Volume levels per guild
 repeat_modes = {}  # Tracks repeat mode per guild: "one", "all", or "off"
+now_playing_messages = {}  # Tracks the "Now Playing" embed per guild
 default_volume = 0.05  # Default volume (5%)
 USER_DATA_FILE = 'user_data.json'
 YOUTUBE_API_KEY = os.getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY")  # Replace with your API key
@@ -44,54 +46,53 @@ def update_user_history(user_id, song_title, artist):
 # ---------- Playback Functions ----------
 async def join_voice(interaction: discord.Interaction):
-    if interaction.user.voice is None or interaction.user.voice.channel is None:
-        await interaction.response.send_message("You need to be in a voice channel for me to join.")
-        return None
-    channel = interaction.user.voice.channel
+    """Joins the user's voice channel."""
     guild_id = interaction.guild.id
+    channel = interaction.user.voice.channel
-    if guild_id not in voice_clients:
-        voice_clients[guild_id] = await channel.connect()
+    if guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].channel == channel:
+        # Already in the same channel
+        return True
-        # Ensure the response is completed
-        if interaction.response.is_done():
-            await interaction.followup.send(f"✅ **Joined {channel.name}.**")
-        else:
-            await interaction.response.send_message(f"✅ **Joined {channel.name}.**")
-    return voice_clients[guild_id]
+    try:
+        voice_client = await channel.connect()
+        voice_clients[guild_id] = voice_client
+        return True
+    except Exception as e:
+        await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not join the voice channel. {str(e)}")
+        return False
 async def play_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction, query: str):
     guild_id = interaction.guild.id
-    # Defer the response if not already done
+    # Defer the interaction if not already responded
     if not interaction.response.is_done():
         await interaction.response.defer()
     # Ensure Amber is connected to a voice channel
     if guild_id not in voice_clients or not voice_clients[guild_id].is_connected():
-        voice_client = await join_voice(interaction)
-        if voice_client is None:  # If join failed
+        joined = await join_voice(interaction)
+        if not joined:
+            await interaction.followup.send("❌ **Error:** Could not join the voice channel.")
-    else:
-        voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id]
     # Search for the song on YouTube
     ydl_opts = {
         'format': 'bestaudio/best',
         'quiet': True,
-    with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
-        try:
+    try:
+        with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
             info = ydl.extract_info(f"ytsearch:{query}", download=False)['entries'][0]
-        except Exception as e:
-            await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not find or play the requested audio. {str(e)}")
-            return
+    except Exception as e:
+        await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not find or play the requested audio. {str(e)}")
+        return
     song_url = info['url']
     title = info.get('title', 'Unknown Title')
     artist = info.get('uploader', 'Unknown Artist')
+    duration = info.get('duration', 0)  # Duration in seconds
     # Log the song in the user's history
     update_user_history(interaction.user.id, title, artist)
@@ -100,47 +101,64 @@ async def play_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction, query: str):
     if guild_id not in music_queues:
         music_queues[guild_id] = []
-    music_queues[guild_id].append((song_url, title))
-    await interaction.followup.send(f"✅ **Added to queue:** {title}")
+    music_queues[guild_id].append((song_url, title, duration))
-    # If nothing is playing, start playback
+    # Start playback if nothing is playing
+    voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id]
     if not voice_client.is_playing():
         await play_next(interaction)
-    # Send "Now Playing" embed with controls
+    # Use the existing embed or create a new one
+    if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]:
+        try:
+            message = await interaction.channel.fetch_message(now_playing_messages[guild_id])
+            embed = discord.Embed(
+                title="🎵 Now Playing",
+                description=f"**{title}** by {artist}\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`",
+                color=discord.Color.blue()
+            )
+            view = PlaybackControls(interaction, guild_id)
+            await message.edit(embed=embed, view=view)
+            return
+        except discord.NotFound:
+            pass  # If the original embed is deleted, send a new one
+    # Send the "Now Playing" embed
     embed = discord.Embed(
         title="🎵 Now Playing",
-        description=f"**{title}** by {artist}",
+        description=f"**{title}** by {artist}\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`",
     view = PlaybackControls(interaction, guild_id)
-    await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed, view=view)
+    message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed, view=view)
+    now_playing_messages[guild_id] = message.id  # Track the message ID
+    # Start updating the progress bar
+    start_time = time.time()
+    asyncio.create_task(update_progress_bar(interaction, duration, start_time))
 async def play_next(interaction: discord.Interaction):
     guild_id = interaction.guild.id
-    if guild_id not in music_queues:
-        music_queues[guild_id] = []
-    # Handle Repeat One
-    if repeat_modes.get(guild_id) == "one" and current_tracks.get(guild_id):
-        song_url, title = current_tracks[guild_id]
-        music_queues[guild_id].insert(0, (song_url, title))  # Re-add the current song to the front of the queue
-        # Skip sending an alert for the repeated song
-        voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id]
-    elif repeat_modes.get(guild_id) == "all" and not music_queues[guild_id]:
-        # Recycle the current track into the queue
-        if current_tracks.get(guild_id):
-            music_queues[guild_id].append(current_tracks[guild_id])
-    # If no songs are left in the queue
-    if not music_queues[guild_id]:
-        await interaction.followup.send("❌ **No more songs in the queue.**")
+    if guild_id not in music_queues or not music_queues[guild_id]:
+        # If no songs are left in the queue, update the embed to reflect this
+        if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]:
+            try:
+                message = await interaction.channel.fetch_message(now_playing_messages[guild_id])
+                embed = discord.Embed(
+                    title="🎵 Queue Finished",
+                    description="Amber is now idle. Add more songs to the queue to keep the music going!",
+                    color=discord.Color.red()
+                )
+                await message.edit(embed=embed, view=None)  # Remove playback controls
+            except discord.NotFound:
+                # If the message was deleted, do nothing
+                pass
     # Get the next song from the queue
-    song_url, title = music_queues[guild_id].pop(0)
+    song_url, title, duration = music_queues[guild_id].pop(0)
     current_tracks[guild_id] = (song_url, title)
     # Prepare FFmpeg options
@@ -163,16 +181,32 @@ async def play_next(interaction: discord.Interaction):
-        # Only alert if the song is new
-        if repeat_modes.get(guild_id) != "one":
-            embed = discord.Embed(
-                title="🎵 Now Playing",
-                description=f"**{title}**",
-                color=discord.Color.green()
-            )
-            await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed)
+        # Update or create the "Now Playing" embed
+        embed = discord.Embed(
+            title="🎵 Now Playing",
+            description=f"**{title}**\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`",
+            color=discord.Color.green()
+        )
+        # Check if the "Now Playing" message already exists
+        if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]:
+            try:
+                message = await interaction.channel.fetch_message(now_playing_messages[guild_id])
+                await message.edit(embed=embed)
+            except discord.NotFound:
+                # If the message was deleted, send a new one
+                message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed)
+                now_playing_messages[guild_id] = message.id
+        else:
+            # Send a new "Now Playing" embed
+            message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed)
+            now_playing_messages[guild_id] = message.id
+        # Start updating the progress bar with the song duration
+        start_time = time.time()
+        asyncio.create_task(update_progress_bar(interaction, duration, start_time))
     except Exception as e:
-        await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Failed to play the next song. {str(e)}")
+        await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not play the next song. {str(e)}")
 async def stop_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction):
@@ -182,11 +216,15 @@ async def stop_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction):
         voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id]
         if voice_client.is_playing():
-        music_queues[guild_id] = []  # Clear the queue
-        current_tracks.pop(guild_id, None)  # Remove the current track
-        await interaction.response.send_message("🛑 **Playback stopped and queue cleared.**")
+            await interaction.response.send_message("⏹️ **Playback stopped.**")
+        else:
+            await interaction.response.send_message("⚠️ **Nothing is playing.**")
+        # Clear the queue but do not disconnect
+        music_queues[guild_id] = []
+        await interaction.followup.send("🗑️ **Queue cleared. Amber will remain idle in the voice channel.**")
-        await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **No music is playing.**")
+        await interaction.response.send_message("⚠️ **Amber is not connected to a voice channel.**")
 async def pause_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction):
@@ -341,6 +379,56 @@ class PlaybackControls(discord.ui.View):
         await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f"🔇 **Volume {status}.**", view=self)
+async def update_progress_bar(interaction: discord.Interaction, duration: int, start_time: float):
+    """Updates the progress bar in the 'Now Playing' embed."""
+    guild_id = interaction.guild.id
+    while guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing():
+        elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
+        # Calculate progress
+        progress = min(elapsed_time / duration, 1.0)
+        progress_blocks = int(progress * 20)  # 20 blocks for the bar
+        progress_bar = "▬" * progress_blocks + "🔘" + "▬" * (20 - progress_blocks)
+        elapsed_time_str = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time))
+        duration_str = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration))
+        embed = discord.Embed(
+            title="🎵 Now Playing",
+            description=f"**{current_tracks[guild_id][1]}**\n\n{progress_bar} `{elapsed_time_str} / {duration_str}`",
+            color=discord.Color.green()
+        )
+        # Update the original "Now Playing" message
+        try:
+            message_id = now_playing_messages.get(guild_id)
+            if message_id:
+                message = await interaction.channel.fetch_message(message_id)
+                await message.edit(embed=embed)
+            else:
+                break
+        except discord.NotFound:
+            break  # Stop if the message is deleted or invalid
+        await asyncio.sleep(2)  # Update every 2 seconds
+    # When playback ends, clear the progress bar
+    if not voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing():
+        try:
+            message_id = now_playing_messages.pop(guild_id, None)
+            if message_id:
+                message = await interaction.channel.fetch_message(message_id)
+                embed = discord.Embed(
+                    title="🎵 Queue Finished",
+                    description="Amber is now idle. Add more songs to the queue to keep the music going!",
+                    color=discord.Color.red()
+                )
+                await message.edit(embed=embed, view=None)  # Remove playback controls
+        except discord.NotFound:
+            pass
 # ---------- Recommendations ----------
 def fetch_related_songs(song_title, artist):