import discord import yt_dlp import asyncio import os import json import random import requests import time from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() voice_clients = {} # Track active voice connections music_queues = {} # Per-guild song queue current_tracks = {} # Currently playing tracks volumes = {} # Volume levels per guild repeat_modes = {} # Tracks repeat mode per guild: "one", "all", or "off" now_playing_messages = {} # Tracks the "Now Playing" embed per guild default_volume = 0.05 # Default volume (5%) USER_DATA_FILE = 'user_data.json' YOUTUBE_API_KEY = os.getenv("YOUTUBE_API_KEY") # Replace with your API key # ---------- Utility Functions ---------- def load_user_data(): if not os.path.exists(USER_DATA_FILE): return {} with open(USER_DATA_FILE, 'r') as f: return json.load(f) def save_user_data(data): with open(USER_DATA_FILE, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) def update_user_history(user_id, song_title, artist): user_data = load_user_data() if str(user_id) not in user_data: user_data[str(user_id)] = {"history": []} # Add the song to the user's history user_data[str(user_id)]["history"].append({"title": song_title, "artist": artist}) save_user_data(user_data) # ---------- Playback Functions ---------- async def join_voice(interaction: discord.Interaction): """Joins the user's voice channel.""" guild_id = channel = if guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].channel == channel: # Already in the same channel return True try: voice_client = await channel.connect() voice_clients[guild_id] = voice_client return True except Exception as e: await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not join the voice channel. {str(e)}") return False async def play_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction, query: str): guild_id = # Defer the interaction if not already responded if not interaction.response.is_done(): await interaction.response.defer() # Ensure Amber is connected to a voice channel if guild_id not in voice_clients or not voice_clients[guild_id].is_connected(): joined = await join_voice(interaction) if not joined: await interaction.followup.send("❌ **Error:** Could not join the voice channel.") return # Search for the song on YouTube ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'quiet': True, } try: with yt_dlp.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: info = ydl.extract_info(f"ytsearch:{query}", download=False)['entries'][0] except Exception as e: await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not find or play the requested audio. {str(e)}") return song_url = info['url'] title = info.get('title', 'Unknown Title') artist = info.get('uploader', 'Unknown Artist') duration = info.get('duration', 0) # Duration in seconds # Log the song in the user's history update_user_history(, title, artist) # Add the song to the queue if guild_id not in music_queues: music_queues[guild_id] = [] music_queues[guild_id].append((song_url, title, duration)) # Start playback if nothing is playing voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id] if not voice_client.is_playing(): await play_next(interaction) # Use the existing embed or create a new one if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]: try: message = await[guild_id]) embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Now Playing", description=f"**{title}** by {artist}\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`", ) view = PlaybackControls(interaction, guild_id) await message.edit(embed=embed, view=view) return except discord.NotFound: pass # If the original embed is deleted, send a new one # Send the "Now Playing" embed embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Now Playing", description=f"**{title}** by {artist}\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`", ) view = PlaybackControls(interaction, guild_id) message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed, view=view) now_playing_messages[guild_id] = # Track the message ID # Start updating the progress bar start_time = time.time() asyncio.create_task(update_progress_bar(interaction, duration, start_time)) async def play_next(interaction: discord.Interaction): guild_id = if guild_id not in music_queues or not music_queues[guild_id]: # If no songs are left in the queue, update the embed to reflect this if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]: try: message = await[guild_id]) embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Queue Finished", description="Amber is now idle. Add more songs to the queue to keep the music going!", ) await message.edit(embed=embed, view=None) # Remove playback controls except discord.NotFound: # If the message was deleted, do nothing pass return # Get the next song from the queue song_url, title, duration = music_queues[guild_id].pop(0) current_tracks[guild_id] = (song_url, title) # Prepare FFmpeg options ffmpeg_options = { 'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn', } try: voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id] source = discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(song_url, **ffmpeg_options) volume = volumes.get(guild_id, default_volume) source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(source, volume=volume) # Play the audio source, after=lambda e: asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe( play_next(interaction), interaction.client.loop ), ) # Update or create the "Now Playing" embed embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Now Playing", description=f"**{title}**\n\n`00:00 / {time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(duration))}`", ) # Check if the "Now Playing" message already exists if guild_id in now_playing_messages and now_playing_messages[guild_id]: try: message = await[guild_id]) await message.edit(embed=embed) except discord.NotFound: # If the message was deleted, send a new one message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) now_playing_messages[guild_id] = else: # Send a new "Now Playing" embed message = await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) now_playing_messages[guild_id] = # Start updating the progress bar with the song duration start_time = time.time() asyncio.create_task(update_progress_bar(interaction, duration, start_time)) except Exception as e: await interaction.followup.send(f"❌ **Error:** Could not play the next song. {str(e)}") async def stop_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction): guild_id = if guild_id in voice_clients: voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id] if voice_client.is_playing(): voice_client.stop() await interaction.response.send_message("⏹️ **Playback stopped.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("⚠️ **Nothing is playing.**") # Clear the queue but do not disconnect music_queues[guild_id] = [] await interaction.followup.send("πŸ—‘οΈ **Queue cleared. Amber will remain idle in the voice channel.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("⚠️ **Amber is not connected to a voice channel.**") async def pause_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction): """Pauses the currently playing song.""" guild_id = if guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing(): voice_clients[guild_id].pause() # Pause playback await interaction.response.send_message("⏸️ **Music paused.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **No music is currently playing.**") async def resume_audio(interaction: discord.Interaction): """Resumes playback of a paused song.""" guild_id = if guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].is_paused(): voice_clients[guild_id].resume() # Resume playback await interaction.response.send_message("▢️ **Music resumed.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **No paused music to resume.**") async def set_volume(interaction: discord.Interaction, level: int): guild_id = if level < 0 or level > 100: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **Volume must be between 0 and 100.**") return # Set the volume volume = level / 100 volumes[guild_id] = volume # Adjust volume for the current source if playing if guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing(): source = voice_clients[guild_id].source if isinstance(source, discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): source.volume = volume await interaction.response.send_message(f"πŸ”Š **Volume set to {level}%**.") async def leave_voice(interaction: discord.Interaction): guild_id = if guild_id in voice_clients: voice_client = voice_clients[guild_id] if voice_client.is_connected(): await voice_client.disconnect() voice_clients.pop(guild_id, None) await interaction.response.send_message("πŸ‘‹ **Left the voice channel.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **I am not connected to any voice channel.**") else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **I am not connected to any voice channel.**") # ---------- Discord UI ---------- class PlaybackControls(discord.ui.View): def __init__(self, interaction, guild_id): super().__init__(timeout=None) # Persistent buttons self.interaction = interaction self.guild_id = guild_id @discord.ui.button(label="⏸️ Pause", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def pause_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): voice_clients[self.guild_id].pause() button.label = "▢️ Resume" await interaction.response.edit_message(content="⏸️ **Paused playback.**", view=self) elif self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_paused(): voice_clients[self.guild_id].resume() button.label = "⏸️ Pause" await interaction.response.edit_message(content="▢️ **Resumed playback.**", view=self) @discord.ui.button(label="⏭️ Skip", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def skip_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): voice_clients[self.guild_id].stop() # Stop triggers `play_next` await interaction.response.send_message("⏭️ **Skipped to the next song.**", ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **No song is currently playing to skip.**", ephemeral=True) @discord.ui.button(label="πŸ›‘ Stop", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger) async def stop_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): voice_clients[self.guild_id].stop() music_queues[self.guild_id] = [] # Clear the queue await interaction.response.send_message("πŸ›‘ **Stopped playback and cleared the queue.**", ephemeral=True) else: await interaction.response.send_message("❌ **No song is currently playing to stop.**", ephemeral=True) @discord.ui.button(label="πŸ”„ Repeat: Off", style=discord.ButtonStyle.success) async def repeat_button(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): current_mode = repeat_modes.get(self.guild_id, "off") new_mode = "one" if current_mode == "off" else "all" if current_mode == "one" else "off" repeat_modes[self.guild_id] = new_mode button.label = f"πŸ”„ Repeat: {new_mode.capitalize()}" await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f"πŸ”„ **Repeat mode set to:** {new_mode.capitalize()}", view=self) @discord.ui.button(label="πŸ”ˆ Volume Down", style=discord.ButtonStyle.secondary) async def volume_down(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): current_volume = volumes.get(self.guild_id, default_volume) new_volume = max(0.0, current_volume - 0.1) # Decrease volume by 10% volumes[self.guild_id] = new_volume # Apply volume to the current source if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): source = voice_clients[self.guild_id].source if isinstance(source, discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): source.volume = new_volume await interaction.response.send_message(f"πŸ”ˆ **Volume decreased to {int(new_volume * 100)}%.**", ephemeral=True) @discord.ui.button(label="πŸ”Š Volume Up", style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary) async def volume_up(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): current_volume = volumes.get(self.guild_id, default_volume) new_volume = min(1.0, current_volume + 0.1) # Increase volume by 10% volumes[self.guild_id] = new_volume # Apply volume to the current source if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): source = voice_clients[self.guild_id].source if isinstance(source, discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): source.volume = new_volume await interaction.response.send_message(f"πŸ”Š **Volume increased to {int(new_volume * 100)}%.**", ephemeral=True) @discord.ui.button(label="πŸ”‡ Mute/Unmute", style=discord.ButtonStyle.danger) async def mute_toggle(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button): current_volume = volumes.get(self.guild_id, default_volume) # Toggle mute if current_volume > 0: volumes[self.guild_id] = 0.0 button.label = "πŸ”Š Unmute" else: volumes[self.guild_id] = default_volume button.label = "πŸ”‡ Mute" # Apply volume to the current source if self.guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[self.guild_id].is_playing(): source = voice_clients[self.guild_id].source if isinstance(source, discord.PCMVolumeTransformer): source.volume = volumes[self.guild_id] status = "muted" if volumes[self.guild_id] == 0.0 else "unmuted" await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f"πŸ”‡ **Volume {status}.**", view=self) async def update_progress_bar(interaction: discord.Interaction, duration: int, start_time: float): """Updates the progress bar in the 'Now Playing' embed.""" guild_id = while guild_id in voice_clients and voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing(): elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time # Calculate progress progress = min(elapsed_time / duration, 1.0) progress_blocks = int(progress * 20) # 20 blocks for the bar progress_bar = "β–¬" * progress_blocks + "πŸ”˜" + "β–¬" * (20 - progress_blocks) elapsed_time_str = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapsed_time)) duration_str = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(duration)) embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Now Playing", description=f"**{current_tracks[guild_id][1]}**\n\n{progress_bar} `{elapsed_time_str} / {duration_str}`", ) # Update the original "Now Playing" message try: message_id = now_playing_messages.get(guild_id) if message_id: message = await await message.edit(embed=embed) else: break except discord.NotFound: break # Stop if the message is deleted or invalid await asyncio.sleep(2) # Update every 2 seconds # When playback ends, clear the progress bar if not voice_clients[guild_id].is_playing(): try: message_id = now_playing_messages.pop(guild_id, None) if message_id: message = await embed = discord.Embed( title="🎡 Queue Finished", description="Amber is now idle. Add more songs to the queue to keep the music going!", ) await message.edit(embed=embed, view=None) # Remove playback controls except discord.NotFound: pass # ---------- Recommendations ---------- def fetch_related_songs(song_title, artist): """ Fetch related songs using the YouTube Data API v3. Returns a list of recommendations in the format: [ "Title - URL" ] """ query = f"{song_title} {artist} related songs" url = "" params = { "q": query, "key": YOUTUBE_API_KEY, "type": "video", "part": "snippet", "maxResults": 5 } response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() return [ f'{item["snippet"]["title"]} -{item["id"]["videoId"]}' for item in data.get("items", []) ] else: print(f"Error fetching related songs: {response.status_code} {response.text}") return [] def generate_recommendations(user_id): """ Generate recommendations using the last song the user listened to. """ user_data = load_user_data() user_history = user_data.get(str(user_id), {}).get("history", []) if not user_history: return ["No recommendations yet. Start playing some songs!"] # Use the last played song to fetch recommendations last_song = user_history[-1] title = last_song["title"] artist = last_song["artist"] recommendations = fetch_related_songs(title, artist) if recommendations: return recommendations else: return ["No recommendations could be fetched at this time."]