import logging import discord from discord import app_commands from plexapi.server import PlexServer from plexapi.client import PlexClient import config # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class PlexModule: def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.plex = PlexServer(config.PLEX_URL, config.PLEX_TOKEN) self.add_commands() def add_commands(self): @app_commands.command( name="list_clients", description="List all available Plex clients" ) async def list_clients(interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() try: logging.debug("Attempting to fetch Plex clients from /clients") clients = self.plex.clients() if not clients: logging.debug("No clients found using /clients," "attempting /status/sessions") sessions = self.plex.sessions() clients = [player for session in sessions for player in session.players] logging.debug(f"Clients found: {clients}") if not clients: await interaction.followup.send( embed=discord.Embed( title="Plex Clients", description="No clients found", ) ) return client_info = "\n".join( [f"{client.title} (ID: {client.machineIdentifier})" for client in clients] # noqa: E501 ) embed = discord.Embed( title="Plex Clients", description=client_info, ) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching clients: {e}") await interaction.followup.send(f"An error occurred: {e}") @app_commands.command( name="list_libraries", description="List all Plex libraries" ) async def list_libraries(interaction: discord.Interaction): await interaction.response.defer() try: libraries = self.plex.library.sections() library_names = [lib.title for lib in libraries] embed = discord.Embed( title="Plex Libraries", description=", ".join(library_names), ) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error fetching libraries: {e}") await interaction.followup.send(f"An error occurred: {e}") @app_commands.command( name="search_library", description="Search for a movie or TV show in a library" ) async def search_library( interaction: discord.Interaction, library: str, query: str ): await interaction.response.defer() try: lib = self.plex.library.section(library) results = if not results: await interaction.followup.send( embed=discord.Embed( title="Search Library", description=f"No results found for '{query}' in '{library}'", # noqa: E501 ) ) return result_titles = [result.title for result in results] embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Search results in {library}", description=", ".join(result_titles), ) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error searching library: {e}") await interaction.followup.send(f"An error occurred: {e}") @app_commands.command( name="play_movie", description="Play a movie on a specified Plex client" ) async def play_movie( interaction: discord.Interaction, movie_name: str, client_name: str = None ): await interaction.response.defer() try: client = next( (c for c in self.plex.clients() if c.title == client_name), None ) if not client: logging.debug("No clients found using /clients," "attempting /status/sessions") sessions = self.plex.sessions() clients = [player for session in sessions for player in session.players] client = clients[0] if clients else None if not client: await interaction.followup.send( embed=discord.Embed( title="Play Movie", description="No clients available to play the movie", # noqa: E501 ) ) return # Ensure the client object is properly initialized movie = self.plex.library.section('Movies').get(movie_name) client_url = f"http://{client.address}:{client.port}" plex_client = PlexClient(client_url, self.plex._token) plex_client.playMedia(movie) embed = discord.Embed( title="Playing Movie", description=f"Playing '{movie_name}' on '{client.title}'", ) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error playing movie: {e}") await interaction.followup.send(f"An error occurred: {e}") @app_commands.command( name="play_tv_show", description="Play a TV show on a specified Plex client" ) async def play_tv_show( interaction: discord.Interaction, library: str, show_name: str, season: int, episode: int, client_name: str = None ): await interaction.response.defer() try: client = next( (c for c in self.plex.clients() if c.title == client_name), None ) if not client: logging.debug("No clients found using /clients," "attempting /status/sessions") sessions = self.plex.sessions() clients = [player for session in sessions for player in session.players] client = clients[0] if clients else None if not client: await interaction.followup.send( embed=discord.Embed( title="Play TV Show", description="No clients available to play the TV show", # noqa: E501 ) ) return # Ensure the client object is properly initialized show = self.plex.library.section(library).get(show_name) episode = show.season(season).episode(episode) client_url = f"http://{client.address}:{client.port}" plex_client = PlexClient(client_url, self.plex._token) plex_client.playMedia(episode) embed = discord.Embed( title="Playing TV Show", description=f"Playing '{show_name}' S{season}E{episode} on '{client.title}'", # noqa: E501 ) await interaction.followup.send(embed=embed) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error playing TV show: {e}") await interaction.followup.send(f"An error occurred: {e}") async def setup(bot): PlexModule(bot)