import discord from discord import app_commands import random import logging import sqlite3 class KnucklebonesGame: def __init__(self, player1, player2, bet=0): self.players = [player1, player2] self.turn = 0 self.columns = {player1: [[], [], []], player2: [[], [], []]} self.scores = {player1: 0, player2: 0} = bet self.current_dice = None def roll_dice(self): self.current_dice = random.randint(1, 6) return self.current_dice def place_dice(self, player, dice, column): column -= 1 # Adjust for 1-based index self.columns[player][column].insert(0, dice) self.clear_matching_dice(player, dice, column) self.calculate_score(player) def clear_matching_dice(self, player, dice, column): opponent = self.other_player() opponent_column = self.columns[opponent][column] self.columns[opponent][column] = [d for d in opponent_column if d != dice] def calculate_score(self, player): total_score = 0 for column in self.columns[player]: if column: column_score = sum(column) * len(column) total_score += column_score self.scores[player] = total_score def next_turn(self): self.turn = (self.turn + 1) % 2 def current_player(self): return self.players[self.turn] def other_player(self): return self.players[(self.turn + 1) % 2] def is_game_over(self): return all(len(col) >= 3 for cols in self.columns.values() for col in cols) def winner(self): if self.scores[self.players[0]] > self.scores[self.players[1]]: return self.players[0] elif self.scores[self.players[1]] > self.scores[self.players[0]]: return self.players[1] else: return None # It's a tie def render_board(self): board_str = "```\n" board_str += f"{self.other_player().display_name}'s Board\n" board_str += self.render_player_board(self.other_player(), True) board_str += "\n\n" board_str += f"{self.current_player().display_name}'s Board\n" board_str += self.render_player_board(self.current_player(), False) board_str += "```" return board_str def render_player_board(self, player, is_opponent): board_str = "" for col in self.columns[player]: if is_opponent: col_str = " | ".join(str(dice) for dice in col) board_str += f"| {col_str:^5} |\n" else: col_str = " | ".join(str(dice) for dice in col) board_str = f"| {col_str:^5} |\n" + board_str return board_str class Knucklebones: def __init__(self, bot): = bot = {} self.logger = logging.getLogger('Knucklebones') self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler = logging.FileHandler(filename='log/selena.log', encoding='utf-8', mode='w') handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s')) self.logger.addHandler(handler) self.db_path = 'data/selena.db' def setup(self, tree: app_commands.CommandTree): @tree.command(name="start_knucklebones", description="Start a game of Knucklebones") async def start_knucklebones_command(interaction: discord.Interaction, opponent: discord.User = None, bet: int = 0): player1 = interaction.user player2 = opponent or if player1 == player2: await interaction.response.send_message("You cannot play against yourself!", ephemeral=True) return if bet > 0 and not await self.has_enough_kibble(, bet): await interaction.response.send_message("You do not have enough Kibble to place this bet.", ephemeral=True) return game = KnucklebonesGame(player1, player2, bet) thread = await"Knucklebones: {player1.display_name} vs {player2.display_name}", type=discord.ChannelType.public_thread)[] = game if bet > 0: await self.deduct_kibble(, bet) if player2 != await self.deduct_kibble(, bet) await thread.send(f"{player1.mention} has started a game of Knucklebones against {player2.mention}!\n{player1.mention}, it's your turn to roll the dice with `/roll_dice`.\n{game.render_board()}") @tree.command(name="roll_dice", description="Roll dice for your turn in Knucklebones") async def roll_dice_command(interaction: discord.Interaction): game = if not game: await interaction.response.send_message("There is no game in progress in this thread.", ephemeral=True) return if interaction.user != game.current_player(): await interaction.response.send_message("It's not your turn.", ephemeral=True) return dice = game.roll_dice() await interaction.response.send_message(f"{interaction.user.mention} rolled a {dice}! Use `/place_dice` to place it in a column.\n{game.render_board()}") @tree.command(name="place_dice", description="Place your rolled dice in a column") async def place_dice_command(interaction: discord.Interaction, column: int): game = if not game: await interaction.response.send_message("There is no game in progress in this thread.", ephemeral=True) return if interaction.user != game.current_player(): await interaction.response.send_message("It's not your turn.", ephemeral=True) return if column < 1 or column > 3: await interaction.response.send_message("Invalid column. Choose a column between 1 and 3.", ephemeral=True) return game.place_dice(interaction.user, game.current_dice, column) if game.is_game_over(): winner = game.winner() if winner: await self.award_kibble(, * 2) await"{winner.mention} wins the game and { * 2} Kibble!\n{game.render_board()}") else: await"The game is a tie!\n{game.render_board()}") del[interaction.channel_id] else: game.next_turn() await interaction.response.send_message(f"{interaction.user.mention} placed the dice in column {column}.\nIt's now {game.current_player().mention}'s turn!\n{game.render_board()}") if game.current_player() == await self.play_bot_turn(, game) @tree.command(name="check_score", description="Check the current score in Knucklebones") async def check_score_command(interaction: discord.Interaction): game = if not game: await interaction.response.send_message("There is no game in progress in this thread.", ephemeral=True) return scores = [f"{player.mention}: {score}" for player, score in game.scores.items()] await interaction.response.send_message("Current scores:\n" + "\n".join(scores)) if not tree.get_command("start_knucklebones"): tree.add_command(start_knucklebones_command) if not tree.get_command("roll_dice"): tree.add_command(roll_dice_command) if not tree.get_command("place_dice"): tree.add_command(place_dice_command) if not tree.get_command("check_score"): tree.add_command(check_score_command) async def play_bot_turn(self, channel, game): dice = game.roll_dice() column = random.randint(1, 3) game.place_dice(, dice, column) if game.is_game_over(): winner = game.winner() if winner: await self.award_kibble(, * 2) await channel.send(f"{winner.mention} wins the game and { * 2} Kibble!\n{game.render_board()}") else: await channel.send(f"The game is a tie!\n{game.render_board()}") del[] else: game.next_turn() await channel.send(f"{} rolled a {dice} and placed it in column {column}.\nIt's now {game.current_player().mention}'s turn!\n{game.render_board()}") async def has_enough_kibble(self, user_id, amount): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT kibble FROM currency WHERE user_id = ?", (user_id,)) row = cursor.fetchone() conn.close() return row and row[0] >= amount async def deduct_kibble(self, user_id, amount): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE currency SET kibble = kibble - ? WHERE user_id = ?", (amount, user_id)) conn.commit() conn.close() async def award_kibble(self, user_id, amount): conn = sqlite3.connect(self.db_path) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE currency SET kibble = kibble + ? WHERE user_id = ?", (amount, user_id)) conn.commit() conn.close() def setup(bot): knucklebones = Knucklebones(bot) knucklebones.setup(bot.tree) bot.knucklebones_module = knucklebones